Piero | Advertithink
2 min readJan 20, 2022



The famous CEO of Instagram Adam Mosseri just hit us with the new update (yeah…I know…another one)

This time, he reveals “Subscriptions” a new feature that will allow creators to monetize and become closer to their most engaged followers, by offering exclusive content and experiences through 3 different spaces:

  1. Subscriber Lives: Access to exclusive livestreams.
  2. Subscribers Stories: Exclusive stories.
  3. Subscriber badges: This way creators will know which followers are subscribed to their exclusive content.

Creators are obviously super stoked and happy about this, I mean, they are finally gonna be able to get payed for what they do.

Users, on the other side have different takes on this.

These are some opinions I’ve taken from the comment section of Mosseri’s post:

  • “Yeah, that’s a no for me. I’m not paying to see content”
  • “…I think of this like how YouTubers have Patreons. Still mostly free content just extra stuff for the super fans
  • “Would be great if you could make other things work first”
  • This is my favorite one “It’s like only fans but I don’t have to show myself naked”
  • “…People come here for free content…not a 2 tier platform…”
  • “Excellent approach to build community and commitment”

My personal opinion:

I’m not sure if I’ll actually pay for a subscription, I enjoy giving out free marketing related content and I do this to help others, but I also believe some people do this for a living and deserved to get payed for their work.

What do YOU think?

Photo by ConverKit . Unsplash



Piero | Advertithink

Creative Copywriter & Marketing Strategist. I write so I won’t forget 👨🏻‍💻