Man typing on a MacBook Pro laptop on a desk
Photo by Parker Byrd on Unsplash

Welcome to Advertithink


This is not your typical marketing news blog. Let’s just say I have my own way of explaining things…or should I say we?

- Hey, I have to be honest here, I’m not a big fan of this font.

Can’t say I don’t agree.

- So this is a blog about what exactly?

Ever seen a marketing news blog that breaks everything down into a simple and casual communication tone?

- Hmmm…no, not really

Well, now you have.

- Ok, so I can come back here for updates related to the “big brands”?

Exactly…everything you need to know about the latest marketing, branding, social media and/or advertising news, updates, headers and maybe a few tips from time to time.

- Sounds great!…Just one more question

Sure, “I’m an open blog”…ha, see what I did there?

- Riiight…ok, so is this like an intro to your blog

Yeah…a smooth intro.



Piero | Advertithink

Creative Copywriter & Marketing Strategist. I write so I won’t forget 👨🏻‍💻